Ignore this property set: When this option is selected for a particular property set ( as selected in the Property sets control) then that property set will not be imported. Ignorethispropertyset:当对特殊的属性集选择了该选项时(如属性集控制中所选的)那么将不导入该属性集。
You can also enable the "Ignore case for authorization" option when you are using SSO ( single sign-on) between the product and Lotus Domino. 当您正在产品和LotusDonimo之间使用SSO(单点登录)时,您也可以激活“Ignorecaseforauthorization”选项。
For example, if you enable the Z shell option pushd_ignore_dups, pushd won't push a directory onto the directory stack if it's already there. 例如,如果已经启用了Zshell选项pushdignoredups,pushd就不会将已存在的目录压入目录堆栈。
With the ignore_config_error option, mistakes are not fatal, but don't forget to remove that option after you have finished testing your configuration. 借助ignoreconfigerror选项,错误将不再致命,但不要忘记在完成测试配置之后删除此选项。
The Ignore leading path name segments option is useful if your original directory structure in the patch is different from the version to which you're applying the patch. 如果补丁中的原始目录结构与您应用补丁的版本不一样,Ignoreleadingpathnamesegments选项特别有用。
Grep can find fixed sequences of characters and can even ignore case with the-I option. grep可以查找具有固定顺序的字符组合,甚至可以通过使用-i选项来忽略大小写。
For example if a user selects the option "Ignore comments," then comments are not compared in both XML schema documents. 比方说,如果用户选择“Ignorecomments”,则两个XML模式文档的注释部分不进行比较。
You must ensure that the Ignore Case option is always enabled. 您必须确保IgnoreCase选项总是激活的。
If he feels you ignore his concerns about his demotion from partner, he may see non-compliance as his only option. 如果他担心自己作为伴侣的地位降级了,并且觉得你无视他这种感受,他可能会将不服从视为唯一选择。
{ The paste link failed.} Internal links are not allowed when the Ignore Remote Requests option in the Links dialog box is selected. {粘贴链接失败。}链接对话框中的忽略远程申请选项被选定时,不允许链接。
You can use the force option to ignore errors, but this option will cause the loss of any data that cannot be decrypted. 您可以使用force选项忽略错误,但是该选项会使无法进行解密的数据丢失。